The Government has announced that all Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), including SEEDA, will close by 31 March 2012.
Responsibility for economic development and regeneration in England is being passed onto successor bodies, including Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and central Government departments
Our objective is to ensure a professional and cost effective closure by this date. We have pledged to work closely with our partners, contractors and stakeholders to ensure that the past and future economic benefits of key programmes and assets continue to deliver the greatest economic value for the South East and value for money for the taxpayer.
Please click here for more details about our closure plan, transition arrangements and successor organisations.
From global finance and venture capital to innovation in environmental, medical and media technologies; virtual worlds and enterprise software, e-commerce and e-services, SEEDA looks to the cutting edge of business, science and technology to lead the economic development of the South East.
Working for a stronger region
SEEDA has made a real contribution to the competitiveness and resilience of the South East’s economy by harnessing business investment and innovation for the benefit of the region. Examples include:
Knowledge centre
Many businesses benefit from knowledge transfer - collaboration with universities. In the South East, 24 universities with campuses in the region regularly work with businesses, helping them develop new products and services, and grow their companies.
Others have taken advantage of South East Business Innovation and Growth Teams (IGTs) which draw on an investment of up to £20million, supplemented by private sector investment, and help drive economic growth within the South East. Each IGT provides tailored coaching, mentoring and networking opportunities to help maximise a business’s growth and development.
Export leader
South East businesses export more than any other UK region and lead the way in opening up new markets. There are 7,730 internationally owned company operations in the region, including Vodafone, BMW, Glaxosmithkline, Dell, Cisco, Microsoft, Pfizer and 3M. SEEDA’s role is to support the growth of existing businesses and attract new employers from around the world, bringing new jobs to the region.
The latest report by SEEDA and UKTI (UK Trade and Investment) shows that in 2008/09 the number of investors locating in the region increased by 17%. A total of 90 investors within the target industries moved into the region, creating or safeguarding 3,846 jobs over the next three years.
Investing in the future
SEEDA’s regeneration and infrastructure investments are improving conditions for businesses and communities in the South East. In Hastings & Bexhill, a 10-year development plan budgeted at £341million is underway. A total of £38million has been administered by SEEDA, with a further £28.5million received from partners and other public sources. In addition, one million sq. ft of education and commercial space has been created, including University Centre – opened in 2003 and attended by more than 700 students.
SEEDA continues to work closely with EEDA and the LDA to take forward the Thames Gateway Economic Development Investment Plan (EDIP). Up to £80million has been allocated by the Communities and Local Government / Homes and Communities Agency to move this plan forward. Since 2001, the three RDAs have invested around £600million in jobs, skills and sustainable growth in the Thames Gateway.