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Next Generation Broadband Survey - Moving towards the data highway of the future

11 December 2008

next generation broadband surveyA survey, organised by SEEDA, the South East England Development Agency, has addressed the future of broadband provision amongst businesses and residents in the South East.

Facilities to transport information efficiently are as fundamental to economic prosperity as the transport of goods and people. The fast, efficient and reliable transport of information at competitive prices will attract and retain businesses in the South East and enable them to compete with those overseas that already enjoy low cost high bandwidth services.

Convergence brought about by digital technology means that next generation networks will need to transport all forms of data, from voice and video to online database services.

Given the high cost of investment in new networks it is not surprising that national interest and debate relating to future telecommunications technology and business models is at an all time high.

Against this background, the Broadband and ICT team in SEEDA organised a conference for key stakeholders in the South East that took place during October at the BT Centre in London.

At this conference, Intercai Mondiale presented broadband survey work commissioned by SEEDA. "Their report will form a baseline against which to monitor progress as the deployment of higher-speed broadband services takes place in the coming years", explained David Cooper, Regional Telecommunications Development Manager, SEEDA.

"By making the data freely available, developers, telecommunications companies and consumers will be in a better position to work together towards solutions to make next generation networks a reality, especially in areas where, up to now, broadband access has been difficult."

For further information, please contact:

David Cooper, Broadband and ICT Team
Phone: 01483 501 304
Email: DavidCooper@seeda.co.uk

For media enquiries, please contact:

James Fulker, Press Officer
Phone: 01483 484 200
Email: pressoffice@seeda.co.uk

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