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Gatwick Skills Centre cleared for take off

3 December 2008
Laura Moffatt MP opens Gatwick skills centre

Laura Moffatt, MP for Crawley opens Gatwick Skills Centre.

Caroline Wood, Deputy Area Director of Sussex for SEEDA, the South East England Development Agency, joined other partners for the official opening ceremony of Gatwick Skills Centre this week.

SEEDA, along with the Learning and Skills Council, Sussex, provided financial support in the initial stages of the Gatwick Skills Centre which is a joint venture between Gatwick Airport Limited and Central Sussex College.

The Centre provides relevant and cost effective training and skills development opportunities for Gatwick businesses, as well as much needed accommodation for the growing numbers of learners joining the 650 who have already benefited from the Centre, which originally opened in January 2006.

A ‘Landing Zone’ was opened in March 2008 providing a shop window to attract new learners and offer IT facilities for online training and job search. The next stage of the expansion was the development of new accommodation on the ground floor of Ashdown House, providing two additional training rooms, office space, and break-out and job search areas.

"We are delighted to have been involved with this project since its inception and look forward to supporting its continuing success across the Gatwick Diamond," said Caroline. "Skills are critical if the area is to succeed in attracting and retaining high value business and retaining a competitive economy. The Gatwick Skill Centre can play a critical role in encouraging individuals and businesses to invest in skills and training."

A new agreement was signed by Gatwick Airport Limited and Central Sussex College to run the Gatwick Skills Centre for the next five years, with the facilities being provided by Gatwick Airport Limited and the services by Central Sussex College.

"Gatwick Airport is in the heart of our community, and people are at the heart of Gatwick," added Laura Moffatt, MP for Crawley who opened the Centre. "Providing training and development to ensure we have the right skills at the airport today, and for the future, the Skills Centre underpins Gatwick’s commitment to be a great place to work as well as a vital contributor to the local, regional and national economy."

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